How Your Business Can Do Its Part to Protect the Public Health

How Your Business Can Do Its Part to Protect the Public Health
Public health has never been more important than during COVID-19. It’s extremely important that everyone is doing their part to fight the spread of this disease. As a business there is a lot that you can do. The choices that businesses make will greatly determine the level of risk that their employees and clients face. To protect the public health, consider the following.

Go By Appointment Only

A crowded lobby is the perfect place for spreading illness. To keep customers from crowding your business, you can require them to make appointments and come in small numbers. You might think that this would hurt your business, but it will likely do a lot to help it. Currently, many customers are concerned about the dangers of visiting a packed establishment. By reducing the amount of people at your business, you will make it more comfortable for people to come. Customers will also have a more positive experience as their wait times are significantly reduced.

Use Virtual Visits

Some types of business must be conducted in person. In other cases, it’s preferable to be done in person, but not required. When possible, use virtual visits to protect your customers and clients. There are many video streaming services available that will allow you to use video chat to conduct your business. If you can’t accomplish a virtual visit, you should take measures to ensure visitors are protected from each other. This includes requiring employees to wear masks and regularly cleaning surfaces.

Work from Home

Having your employees work from home is a great way that your business can promote public health. Having fewer people in your buildings will allow you to follow social distancing guidelines more easily. Your employees will be able to work in the comfort of their own home and not have to worry about contracting COVID-19 from a coworker.

Having employees work at home may make it difficult to ensure that they stay on task. You can improve this by establishing quotas and requiring regular updates on progress. You could even have small groups come into the office on certain days so that you can occasionally monitor employee performance. With the reduction of personnel in your buildings, you may find that you have more space than you need. If your business can still function properly with employees working at home, you could save yourself some money on rent expenses by continuing this practice after social distancing ends.

As you do your part to stop the spread of COVID-19, you will be saving lives. You will also gain the respect of the community, your employees, and your clientele. This will strengthen your business and help it to grow.

Looking for some marketing help to keep getting customers during the pandemic? Take a look at what we have to offer.

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